Monday, July 30, 2007

Short story by yours truly :

She stood there her 'pod in her ear, waiting for the bus to arrive.This wouldbe the last time she took the bus from college to home, the last day of her life as a student, this would be a day of many, many lasts...

She stood there letting the memories wash over her....kinda likes waves which touch the shore of the beach....memories of the first day of engg col, how nervous she felt'bout the prospect of finding new friends, and the happiness she had feltwhen during the first few days itself she had found amazing friends, ppl who would share her happiness,fears,sorrows for the next 4 yrs...
She stood there as she remembered all the annual functions where they all used to crowd around the guy playing the guitar and sing songs ,regardlessof how much noise they were making, but still managed to sing in tandeem as one..their voices all in tune with the guitar if on cue her 'pod played out 'Hotel California' and she found a lump forming in her throat

She stood there and remembered all the times spent in the lab, coding, all thetime spent in the canteen criticizing the food...and as the memories keeptcomming one after another, crystal clear..she found a tear running down her cheek...

Then she wiped it away ...'coz just as endings are an essential part of our lifeso are new beginnings, and with them the thrill and anticipation of newthings to come ....and of a chance to create new beautiful memories to add tothe pool of exsisting ones.The 'Ally Macbeal' theme song playing on her 'pod,she climbed onto the bus

Saturday, July 7, 2007

This is how wikipidea describes an Iyer:are a section of Tamil Brahmins (a priestly Hindu class / caste from India) who mostly profess the advaita philosophy propounded by Sri Shankaracharya. thts a phenomenon thts quite old....u musta heard it ppl :D....

Typical "good Iyerness" characteristics :

For Gals: hmmm lesse now ...yeah long plaited well oiled hair is good, as is studying like hell,heaven and earth put together, and going to the temple *slam ,dunk score one brownie point* ;)......

For Boys: getting in2 IIT and IIMs and going to "Americaaaa" to study *damn ur sooo the golden boy at home, epitome for ur cousins blah blah.....* , again big geeky glasses and well oiled hair is a plus point innit :P

Ookie now tht u've finished giggling on the above words ^^^^, or smiling silently to urself (all this is applicable if ur an Iyer i.e the smiling to urself and stuff :)) )...see this is how we've been stereotyped since time imemorial :D (ermmm since quite long anyways :D)...and I sooooo wanna disagree with it ookie....So clarifying some points for u northies et all. out there (and no ppl "madrasi" is soooo not a language :P...and tamil is not the only langauge tht ppl in the south speak....on second thought, I'm tryin to explain this to some ppl who thnk madrasi is a language in the first place, so..welll..ermmm :P.....tht seems like a lost cause there :D)

Myth no.1 : Iyer girls oil their hair and wair it tightly plated....Wrong Dude....
U'd nvr catch a modern Iyer chick caught dead in tht :)) it....we hv an innate sense of fashion...nvr loud or garish us ppl...and we usually hv real nice features to carry it off as well...sooo.... :))

Myth no.2: Iyer chicks know only how to study....ermm...BEEP.... wrong again Dudes and dudettes....we do study like mad...but we are also damn creative and intelligent...and can converse on any topic from Quantum physics to Queen (na bhai ...Victoria nathi che...they are a band....try listenin to them,instead of reshamiya for a change huh :P)

Myth no.3:Iyer boys==IIT/IIM admits, MS in the US...well oiled hair and disastrous dressing sense...
Ur sure ur not in a time wrap....Iyer guys...yes very intelligent...and do get above admits...or usually in2 good engineering colleges ;) ....they are usually metal heads,who are damn cool...and hv a lotta respect for the ladies....but if not in engineering...they are there in other fields too.....

hope tht clears a coupla myths :))

Dedicated to all the Iyer dudes and dudettes , who have been stereotyped in the past...and all south indians...who have been called 'madrasi', 'idlii dosa' et all in the past.

Cheers :)